About Laura Artman, MBA

Team player known for my extraordinary ability to communicate in a manner that influences decision making. Skilled in developing strong, trustworthy relationships with individuals and groups inside and outside of the organization.

Graphic Design and Logos

2013-05-14T15:02:48-07:00May 14, 2013|Specials|

Graphic design is an essential part of every piece of marketing collateral and is undertaken to convey a specific message (or messages) to a target audience. I provide a variety of graphic designs for logos, packaging, branding, print and web. I use a combination of typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce a balanced, focused and symmetrical final result.

Introduction to Laguna Woods

2013-05-01T00:18:35-07:00May 1, 2013|Laguna Woods Brochure|

Laguna Woods is a unique and interesting city in Orange County, California. It is listed as one of the safest in California by Movoto, Safewise, and more. The population is between 16,000-17,000 with a median age of 78. The majority of the City consists of Laguna Woods Village, an age restricted community.


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